.. _Tutorial: using NeurEco GUI on a Tabular Regression problem Tutorial: using NeurEco GUI for a Tabular Regression problem ============================================================== This section uses the test case :std:ref:`Metamaterial Antennas test case`. This test case can be selected directly from the template window: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIChoice.png :width: 600 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGuiChoice :align: center Choosing the test case MetamaterialAntennas directly from the GUI examples Create an empty directory (MetamaterialAntenna Example) and extract the :std:ref:`Metamaterial Antennas test case` data for there. The GUI automatically extracts the data and creates the project in the chosen directory. The created directory contains the following files: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIContent.png :width: 300 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGuiContent :align: center Content of the test case MetamaterialAntennas from the GUI The MetamaterialAntennas directory is used by the GUI alongside the CSV data files. The rest is used by the other NeurEco interfaces. .. note:: To create the GUI project without using the template window, create a new directory called NewMetamaterialAntennas and copy the data CSV files into it. Go to the **File** menu, and click **New**, then choose the **Tabular** solution and the **Regression** template. Choose the name of the project and the name of the model as: MetaMaterialTutorial and MetamaterialAntennas and click ok. .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUINormalChoice.png :width: 400 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUINormalChoice :align: center Choosing the test case MetamaterialAntennas directly from the GUI examples 2 The main window looks as follows at this stage: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIMainLook.png :width: 800 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUIMainLook :align: center Main window initial look after extracting the data: test case - MetamaterialAntennas To build a model: * Adjust the **Settings** (add some data for the learning, validation or test, change one or more building parameters (see :std:ref:`NeurEco Regression build parameters GUI`). Here, for :std:ref:`Metamaterial Antennas test case` test case, the **Settings** keep their default values. * Click on the **Build** button During the build NeurEco saves the intermediate modes to the checkpoint file. In term of performance, every new model in the checkpoint is an improvement of the previous one. Note that at the end of the build, the last model in the checkpoint corresponds to the final mode. Any intermediate model can be used as if it was the final model: it can be evaluated on the new sets of data, exported, etc. Use the checkpoint slider to select a specific intermediate model. When an intermediate model is selected, the GUI updates the plot of the network architecture, the plot of reference vs prediction and the **Sensitivity analysis** plot (see :std:ref:`Sensitivity analysis Regression GUI`). .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIIntermediate.png :width: 800 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUIIntermediate :align: center GUI operations: selecting an intermediate model: test case - MetamaterialAntennas .. note:: The number of links shown by the GUI is the number of trainable parameters in the network. Each link between two neurons represents a parameter, plus there are the bias parameters not shown on the network plots. To perform a **Sensitivity analysis** (see :std:ref:`Sensitivity analysis Regression GUI`) on any intermediate model: * Switch to the **Metrics** panel for :std:ref:`Sensitivity analysis for a whole dataset GUI` * Switch to the **Evaluation** panel for :std:ref:`Sensitivity analysis for a single sample GUI` * Choose an intermediate model using the checkpoint slider * Choose a data set from **Evaluation files** section (the testing data for this example) * Click on any output node in the **Network sensitivity** section * The plot displays the sensitivity analysis graph as in figure below: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUISensitivity.png :width: 800 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUISensitivity :align: center GUI operations: Performing Sensitivity analysis: test case - MetamaterialAntennas To perform an input sweep (see :std:ref:`Performing an input sweep`): * Switch to the **Evaluation** panel. * Select an intermediate model using the checkpoint slider. By default, the last model is selected. * Switch to the **Input sweep** tab. * Select the data set in the **Evaluation files** section. * Select the sample's number in the data set. * Select the input to sweep and the output to visualize. * The plot displays the results, as in figure below: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIInputSweep.png :width: 800 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUIInputSweep :align: center GUI operations: Performing an input sweep: test case - MetamaterialAntennas The **Evaluation** panel allows a user to load extra sets of data to evaluate the model on and to export the results in a csv or npy format (see :std:ref:`Evaluate NeurEco Regression model with GUI`). The **Metrics** panel allows a user to calculate a set of metrics (see :std:ref:`Metrics Tabular Regression GUI`). For the **Regression** problems these metrics looks as shown in the figure below: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIMetrics.png :width: 600 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUIMetrics :align: center GUI operations: Extracting the metrics: test case - MetamaterialAntennas To export the model (see :std:ref:`Export NeurEco Regression model with GUI`, *embed* license is required for export to formats different from **NeurEco model**): * Switch to the **Export** panel * Select an intermediate model using the checkpoint slider. By default, the last model is selected. * Select the export format For a regression problem, the exporting options are as follows: .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIExport.png :width: 600 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUIExport :align: center GUI operations: Exporting a model: test case - MetamaterialAntennas To create a Python script reproducing the main parts of the GUI project (see :std:ref:`Export Tabular Regression from the GUI to the Python API`): * Go to **Python/Export NeurEco to Python** in the menu bar of the GUI * Choose which parts of the project to export to a Python script * Select the destination where to save the script .. figure:: ./images/MetamaterialAntennaGUIPython.png :width: 300 :alt: MetamaterialAntennaGUIPython :align: center GUI operations: Exporting a python script: test case - MetamaterialAntennas .. warning:: To be able to use the script exported from the GUI, the NeurEco python API package has to be installed on your computer.